Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 7: The EU Boys' Club and Pineapple

The more I hear about the European Union, the more skeptical I become about it. Mostly because the more details I hear, the more it sounds like exclusive club that's really tough to qualify for. Some of the requirements make sense, but many of them end up sounding rather extraneous. The Turkey issue is one of the more questionable parts of the EU policies. From some view points, instead of expanding the rights of smaller countries, the EU appears to actually restain some rights, putting all the bigger countries in the group until main control (which brings back the issue of Turkey. If it were accepted it, it would just as powerful as the most populated EU member, Germany, and that is something the major power really don't want).

Estonia wanted to be in the EU more for a symbolic status, to achieve the mythical "back to Europe" aesthetic. But in the long run, was that the right choice? Again, only the future can tell.

After this extreme four hour dive into Estonian and EU economics, a lunch was required. I took a safe risk with pancakes stuffed with chicken. What one must remember when ordering anything on a European menu, what is on the menu is not always the full story. There is also some little quirk that they add to the mix that makes you raise a brow.

In this case, it was the pineapple chunked among the chicken. I guess it sooooorta makes sense, to add a little sweetness, but it really didn't work for me. Didn't help that it wasn't the most quality of chicken either. The pancake...well, it was a Nordic style thin pancake. I feel bad that the pancake was lost within the package. It deserved better, like strawberry jam. I think I shall arrange that before I leave Tartu.

I met with the Tallinn girl and her Denmark friend at pancake cafe near the town square (which, if I haven't mentioned, has the Cheesiest Fountain Ever of who lovers kissing under an umbrella. It requires photos at some point.) Even more random conversation transpired. They might be following me to Saaremaa, the island we're visiting this weekend...but at a different part of the island perhaps.

The day tied with a Baltic restaurant with possibly the best meatball I have ever tasted. Well, besides my mom's meatballs, but I'm required by unspoken law to say that. It had just the right mix of spices to make each bite downright heavenly. A pity there was only two largish ones. I also polished off the feta cheese left over from the stuffed red pepper (the pepper had been share amoung the group). There was also wine. We got a crash course in wine testing from one of our group so that I was using words like "subtle bite" and "smooth taste" to describe it.

Very nice restaurant to tie up the day. Complete with somewhat heated debate about philosophy books about politics and war and religion. Also the art of classics versus the joy of fluff reads. Good times.

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